Andreas Golla, Golla GmbH -
Zwickau, Germany -
Textile printing and custom decoration -
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite
Limitation with other designing solution: -
Adobe Illustrator we can export the file only up to a limit, But CorelDraw there would have been no limit, we can export the file in any high resolution without crashing the software.
Why they preferred CorelDRAW:
I have been using Corel for the last 15 years. Over the years I have shown that CorelDraw does work very well during the making of Catalogue and it is very freehand software.
Impactful tools found in CorelDRAW for desire project:
Shadow, Contour, Blend, Envelope, Transparency, Power Clip, Smart Fill.
Designer/User Feedback on CorelDRAW:
In Corel my work is faster than other software. If the option or tools to make 2D or 3D objects, other competitors are adding to it, then it will be very good.